Dental Clinics in 16502

Find dental clinics in or around 16502 below. If we have a clinic in the zip you searched, we list it. We also list area zip code clinics.

Active Listings near 16502

St. Paul's Neighborhood Free Clinic

St. Paul's Neighborhood Free Clinic

1608 Walnut St.
Erie, PA - 16502
(814) 454-8755

St. Pauls free clinic is not a walk-in or emergency clinic. patients are seen by appointment only, and dental appointments are scheduled upon referral from the medical doctor. contact the clinic to de click here to view full description

Community Health Net - Oral Surgery Office

Community Health Net - Oral Surgery Office

312 Chestnut Street
Erie, PA - 16507

Community health net - oral surgery office provides the following health services: dental services.hours: monday through friday, 8:00 a.M. - 5:00 general dentistry, oral surgery, endodo click here to view full description